Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Prayers Solicit and Provoke My Graces. Receive Answer to Your Call to Hasten the End Times

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on March 12, 2025


Word of Jesus Christ :

"I bless you My sweet beloved daughter of Love, Light and Holiness: of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit .

¨Come and see how good the Lord is!¨

Your prayers solicit and provoke My graces. Receive answer to your call to hasten the End Times. The following prophecy, already announced several times, is fulfilled in these Lenten days. There will be no precursory sign; you are warned and, in principle, ready.

¨I will come like a thief¨, I will surprise you and I will bring back those who must enter their deserved rest after bearing the weight of the earthly day. I will also seize from among those who do not respect My laws and hurt, or misappropriate, their destitute brethren by exploiting them and leaving them in distress.

From Heaven I visit the earth in response to the cries of My little ones, who tear at Our United Hearts, of Mary and Me, Jesus, in the face of so much suffering. And you who are strong, support with your prayers and charity your brothers and ensure their awakening to Love, Truth so that they may have access to the New Earth.

Pray, fast, purify yourselves, we don't build in nonchalance! Be alive, vigilant and true servants in the Light. Keep no complicity, which promises advantage for you, but would keep you in darkness. You cannot serve two masters at once. Are you children of God or not?

My son-priests, offer your brothers the holy masses they demand. It is your hands that are consecrated; no one can serve in your place. How can you fail to affirm your allegiance to God? The souls of your brothers and sisters are entrusted to you, who have asked for them: to be a priest in My Church of Christ is to serve and respect God and all your brothers and sisters. Don't let the enemy of Christ decide for you.

You My priests, My dear associates, keep your faith firm. Remain welcoming, charitable, I come to fill you with graces to keep you strong despite the threats and opposition that come even from those closest to you .

The time of the catacombs has arrived, so don't hesitate to ask about the possibility of refuges for you. Solicit the help of Mary Co-Redemptrix, Saint Joseph and Saint Michael. You'll see the Saints of Heaven fighting and staying by your side to lighten your overburdened daily lives.

No, you won't all be martyrs, but you will be like your Christian brothers, oppressed, despised and unpopular in a violent and unreasonable world, blinded by misery and the fear of it. All that is now evident to you in this world sinking into decay demands of you that you quickly make a choice among the proposals or impositions before you.

All of you were informed, warned of the arrival of the Apocalypse and the form events would take. This End of Times, which, alas, is being lived in disorder ¨well organized¨ by the enemy of man and God, solicits in you Faith, Hope and Love, which are the inescapable rules of Life. Prayer is the solid link with God, who is Love and Life. Be part of the communion of saints who support you in trust: God saves. He is the Redeemer who has conquered death and the evil one.

My people, stand in solidarity, be in prudence, protect yourselves charitably and fraternally. What your eyes and heart will see and experience in this passage from darkness to Light, is due to the acquisition of lucidity for some, which reveals to you what you were living, in ignorance, in your life of dependence on what the world has imposed on you. In these tribulations, you will be purified and freed from the evil that still wants to drag you down with it.

My children, all My children, if today you hear this Word that can only come from Me, Jesus Christ, your God, it is because you were seeking Me and hoping, despite your struggle, to find support and certainty in this chaos where contradictory arguments take up too much space and prevent you from hearing your heart and, in your heart, My voice that says "Come".

Come child, you belong to Me and I love you. Let evil languish in its evil. Goodness is in you, it's part of you. I created you this way, believe your God, trust in Him and Live in Him eternally.

Now, let peace settle within you. Simply live the joy of being a child of God and of, soon, entering divine Light and perfection whose bliss you can't imagine.

Jesus Christ."

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

March 12, 2025

Source: ➥